Playwright – Test Automation Tool

Playwright - Test Automation Tool - Overview

We will be starting a new series for Playwright a test automation tool used for end-to-end testing for any modern web applications like react.js or AngularJS. It currently supports the Chromium, WebKit and Firefox family where you have Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera and Safari browsers. It also supports all the major platforms of Windows, Linux and Mac OS and you have excellent support of all the programming languages like Typescript, JavaScript, Python, .net and Java. So this means that you can write your automation test in any programming language. It also supports mobile automation or it supports mobile emulators which means you can fire up the Chrome browser on Android or Safari on iPhone/iPad and do your test. You can also run all your tests on any of the cloud environments as well like LambdaTestSauceLabsBrowserStack.

The complete playlist of the Playwright test automation tool gives you basic setup knowledge to advance the usage of the tool.

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