UI Automation Testing Demo Site


While learning Web UI testing we are always searching for Demo sites that try to mimic real-world scenarios. Over time, several people in the community have developed these sites with different features and provided good resources and documentation about each usage.

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While learning Web UI testing we are always searching for Demo sites that try to mimic real-world scenarios. Over time, several people in the community have developed these sites with different features and provided good resources and documentation about each usage.

In this article I will be listing out all the good resources which you can make use of, and if you find I have missed anything then please comment and I will update the list:

  1. Automation Book Store: https://automationbookstore.dev/
  2. Automation Test Store: https://automationteststore.com/
  3. DemoBlaze: https://www.demoblaze.com/
  4. DemoQA: https://demoqa.com/
  5. E-commerce Playground: https://ecommerce-playground.lambdatest.io/
  6. ParaBank: https://parabank.parasoft.com/parabank/index.htm
  7. LetCode: https://letcode.in/test
  8. SelectorHub: https://selectorshub.com/xpath-practice-page/
  9. Selenium Playground: https://www.lambdatest.com/selenium-playground/
  10. Selenium Test Pages: https://testpages.herokuapp.com/styled/index.html
  11. Swag Labs: https://www.saucedemo.com/
  12. The Internet: https://the-internet.herokuapp.com/
  13. UI Test Automation Playground: http://uitestingplayground.com/
  14. XYZ Bank: https://www.globalsqa.com/angularJs-protractor/BankingProject/#/login

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